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Recommended Additional Resources

In addition to this course, I highly recommend checking out two completely free online learning resources. The appearances of all resources below were agreed to by their prospective creators or curators.

While you do not have to use these resources, I recommend them for a good reason. They will be a tremendous help when you start to learn inflections. This course is written with the assumption that you will use them to reinforce your understanding of inflections.

Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls

Throughout this course, you will be asked to memorize inflection patterns. This is a difficult task and, hopefully, if I do my job, the most mentally taxing thing you will be asked to do. Learning inflections is not easy, but with the right tool, it becomes a lot easier. While you are free to use any tool or method you want, and I implore you to explore what works best for you, there is simply no replacing BÍN.

BÍN is an online tool created by Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, an Icelandic governmental institution dedicated to researching, recording, preserving, and sharing the Icelandic Language. Within it, you can search for and see the inflectional paradigms of nearly any Icelandic word. For its ease of use, comprehensiveness, and polished presentation, BÍN has long been thought of as the most helpful tool for learning Icelandic.

I wrote more about how to use this resource in an article here!


Í has helped me, and many others, learn Icelandic inflections by allowing you to search for words and providing blank inflection tables that you can fill in for each word. The website also gives you feedback, telling you if your entry was correct or not.

Every time you learn a new inflection, I encourage you to practice the new word you learned with this website, filling out the tables for yourself a few times to test your understanding and reinforce your learning.

I wrote more about how to use this resource in an article here!

Let's learn!

With all of that introductory material out of the way, let's get to learning Icelandic!